Sunday 19 February 2012

La Paz - on our way home

Took the bus from Loreto to La Paz and arrived Sunday evening with Carnival in full swing

streets were all blocked off and we had to fight our way through the crowd to our hotel at the far end of the Malceon

I think I ran over a few toes with our wheeled suicase

just like I remember the Red River Ex midway only longer

biggest cotton candy I have ever seen

Hotel Meditarrane,
not 5 star but very nice and just off the Malceon 

It is fairly small place but well run with nice restaurant and bar

bedroom very basic but clean


Saturday 18 February 2012

Bay of Magdelna - whale watching

On our last full day in Loreto we took a whale watching tour to Puerto Lopez Mateos on the Bay of Magdalena

Our group was large enough that we took out two boats

This one almost came up underneath our boat

This is the most common view you would see

but once in while one would breach

these are all Grey whales

There are Blue whales in the Sea of Cortez but they are much harder to view, we were told the Blue whale calves are the same size as the adult Grey whales

Thursday 16 February 2012

Loreto - fishing trip

We hired Adrian, a neighbor of our landlords, to take us out fishing in his Panga

First we had to catch our bait

then we went further out and caught some keepers

like this Red Snapper

also saw some sea lions


and Dolphins

had lunch on a beach on Isla Carmen

here is the catch for the day
Adrian cleaned them for us
we kept four and Adrian took the rest

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Loreto - taking it easy

Sunday Market

good deals

on everything if you want it

strolling through town

Guide book said there was no shopping in Loreto
it may be a little more pricey than La Paz
but there was no shortage of shops

watching the weaver

tower in town square

checking out the beach properties

Fish Tacos

with all the trimmings

This was the first meal me cooked ourselves and we both ended up with food poisoning, we think the chicken we bought at the supermarket was the culprit

Monday 13 February 2012

Los Cabanas del Loreto

Las CabaƱas de Loreto is owned and operated by Les and Linda Clark and by their daughter and son in law, Richard and Jill Jackson.

highly recommended by Roy & Tanyss

Richard Jackson is wildlife photographer

This is the Cassita over the garage/workshop
we stayed here for a week after the kayak trip

Cassita living room

Cassita kitchen

pass through to the balcony

view from the balcony

that is an outdoor kitchen in the background
there are four light house keeping rooms around the pool

Sunday 12 February 2012

end of the kayak trip

Paddling South

Camp 4 just north of Punta Carrizalita 

They always plan on being wind stayed one day and because we were not we stayed here for two days, we spent day two paddling over to a nearby island , Isla San Cosme, and snorkelling

Quite a long beach which we shared with horses, mules and several RV's

view north from Punta Carrizalito

view south from Punta Carrizalito

just in front of the big rock is a hot spring which is under water at high tide

last day taking out at Aqua Verde

Taxi's waiting

but first some shopping

and lunch at a small farm

( I think when I get home it may be a while before I ask for rice or beans)

The road out from Aqua Verde

farewell dinner with our Guide Antonio

Beef Ribs


Sea food platter

Roy had a sign just like this but it said "helping white men dance"