Sunday 12 February 2012

end of the kayak trip

Paddling South

Camp 4 just north of Punta Carrizalita 

They always plan on being wind stayed one day and because we were not we stayed here for two days, we spent day two paddling over to a nearby island , Isla San Cosme, and snorkelling

Quite a long beach which we shared with horses, mules and several RV's

view north from Punta Carrizalito

view south from Punta Carrizalito

just in front of the big rock is a hot spring which is under water at high tide

last day taking out at Aqua Verde

Taxi's waiting

but first some shopping

and lunch at a small farm

( I think when I get home it may be a while before I ask for rice or beans)

The road out from Aqua Verde

farewell dinner with our Guide Antonio

Beef Ribs


Sea food platter

Roy had a sign just like this but it said "helping white men dance"

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